And ooooh boy, was I right. I looooooove my Nook. Or maybe I just love the whole concept of the ebook. I regularly scan B&N's list of books, looking for a great book for .99 or 1.98. Sometimes if it's something I really want, I'll go as far as 9.99 as I did for Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything; and Beth Erickson's Longing for Dad. I love being able to lay in bed at night, and scan the booklists, knowing I can just tap BUY and it's all mine. Another feature is that I can get free samples. This means that I can get 15 to 20 pages of any book I'm interested in to download to my ebook. How cool is that? And at the end of that sample, B&N generously gives me a BUY button. Oh, those clever people! So now I know I'm going to read Craig Ferguson's biography American on Purpose. And tho, I may not buy it (sorry, Craig) I know I can borrow it from the Library.
And did I mention they were giving away a free set of Alice in Wonderland screensavers? Yep, they were.
My DH put in an 4gb SD card, and now I can store up to 40,000 books just to carry around with me, to read as I want and bookmark as I need to. I can read a dozen or more books at once. I've discovered Fictionwise (well, I always knew it was there) but now I'm exploring it thoroughly, and Project Gutenberg is one of my favorite websites, cause everything's for free. Just download it as epub and we're home free!
My next move is to start looking up Golden Age Sci Fi authors, and see if I can find them in Gutenberg and add them to my Nook. I've decided I really don't care much about the Ipad. Why pay so much for something I would only use for a few things. My Nook fills my need.