Monday, December 1, 2008

Web Award tools

I hadn't really meant to leave my L&P until the last minute, and I really wanted to get the fullest exploration of each activity. But as usual, reality intervened and took over my life, and again I'm playing catch-up. However, everything in its time and place, I guess. One of the Web Awards suggested is for, which provides a free, private forum to construct a family tree and a family history. Family members can log on and update it, and add to it, and add pictures and videos. This means that we don't have to email or snail mail this stuff back and forth, and if your family is spread over the continent as mine is, we can actually have something we can work on together. My mother is incredibly interested in having a family tree correctly built. I guess a cousin of hers put one together many years ago, and several facts were wrong. From the telephone conversations we've been having (my mother and I) lately, I have a strong feeling we'll be doing a lot of genealogy posting over the Christmas holidays...just to get everyone started. How fortuitous that I was pointed in the direction of this website just at this time.

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